Monday, 6 October 2014

Updates and stuffs....

Hi again guys.

As you can see right now, I don't normally post stuff around here.  Due to real life stuffs going on here and there, I can't really give as much commitment as before.  So if you guys want to keep track of my daily updates and stuff, just like my Facebook Page Hafiz Akiyama or follow my Twitter account.

This is the relationship between me and my real life at this moment....
Back to the update, I might be doing some review on stuffs that interest me as well as anime show review (I kinda suck at it but it's worth a try, maybe..?).  And also the part of my 'introduction' is not going 'that' well (for now).  There's some few more segments that I would want to add into this blog, but time will tell when will it happen for real.  They're still in rough drawing yet, so don't expect too much.

Well, that's it for now. I'll be keeping this blog updated so feel free to drop one or two comments for this blog.

Sore ja, mata atode ne~ /o/